Since we can now access each CT wrestler's record on Floarena, we should have much more accurate rankings than in past years. Keep in mind that Floarena is not completely accurate. It has some wrestlers listed with losses for matches they never competed in and it sometimes repeats wins on the list. Also, it sometimes has matches from last winter on the list of results. Regardless, it is a great step forward for wrestling fans to keep track of how teams and wrestlers are doing.
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Did not know we could do that! Will definitely run through each weight/class and update, thanks!
Our town still does write ups each week for the boys. I checked on some records and the 5 I looked at were all 100% accurate so might be better than I initially thought.
Just checked on a record I knew from the school side and it was actually a lot closer than I thought in terms of accuracy. It's a little confusing with the "null victories" and there is no listed won/loss record that I could find. School record was 23-3 and the Flo record was 24-3 (I could have miscounted too, you need to scroll the record to see them all).
I'm finding that most of the duals you can't even find a result to pull up in any cohesive manner. As a matter of fact for some schools I don't think there is a single dual result. The results are entered in the database so it shows for overall record, but there are a huge amount of matches that the actual contest isn't viewable. To me a tournament bracket tells you so much more about how a guy is performing than isolated results you have to source multiple ways to actually determine how they interact.
Additionally some of the tournaments are reporting as duals so there are missing placements. So instead of a guy getting that second place tourney notation it just posted as 4 or 5 matches.The upshot of them using FloArena is it seems like teams are less likely to post results in the paper. I think that's kind of sad since the general public is even more removed from the actual action than ever.
Congrats....we're now becoming a totally insular community.
Go on floarena, got to results (click duals), find a dual match with a team you want to see records, click results, you get a box score, double click, you get list of dual match scores, click on wrestler, you get his name, click on his name, you get his name again, click on it again and you will get his record. You can usually see double entries by identical score and times, last year's matches usually identified as Jan or Feb 2018.
Now there are published records of CT HS wrestlers that are not perfect. Let's say 95% accurate.
Before published records during the season, it is my understanding there was nothing other than someone seeing or hearing about who beat who at a given match with no ability to look up all the wrestlers' records in the middle of the season. Yes, I believe 95% or so accurate up to date season records should make the rankings much more accurate than just hearing about or seeing a couple match results of a wrestler during the season.
I was going to say the same thing Mophie haha. We should have better rankings but the system in which we compile these rankings from can be completely wrong lol
Don't think it's a list. You have to look at each record individually and scroll it. Not sure how a list that had incorrect and repeating results should make these rankings more accurate. Maybe when the coaches get used to entering the data?
where is the list you can you access a wrestlers record on Flo arena ?